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Gastec Gastec Nitrogen Oxides (NO & NO2) Gas Detector Tubes. Options:

Nitrogen Oxides Gas Detector Tubes (Separate Quantification): Nitrogen Oxide (NO) Range: 2.5-200ppm
& Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Range: 2.5-200ppm
Detection Range: 2.5-200 ppm
P/N 10

Nitrogen Oxides Gas Detector Tubes (Total Quantification) (NO + NO2)
Detection Range: 0.04-16.5 ppm
10 tubes, 10 tests per box
P/N 11L

Nitrogen Oxides Gas Detector Tubes (NO + NO2) Total Quantification
Detection Range: 5-625 ppm
10 tubes, 10 tests per box
P/N 11S

Gas or vapor to be measured: Nitrogen Oxides (NO + NO2) (Total Quantification)
Detection Range: 50-2500 ppm
10 tubes, 10 tests per box
P/N 11HA