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Draeger Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Short Term Gas Detector Tubes. Options:

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Detector Tubes 0.1/a
P/N 6727101
Measuring Range: 0.1 - 3 ppm
(10 tubes, 10 tests per box)

Sulfur Dioxide Tubes Detector Tubes 0.5/a
P/N 6728491
Scale: 0.5 - 5ppm and 1 to 25 ppm
(Aerotest Simultan CO2, MultiTest & Short Term)

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Detector Tubes 1/a
P/N CH31701
Measuring Range: 0.5 - 2ppm (MultiTest)
Measuring Range: 1 - 25ppm (Short Term)

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Detector Tubes 20/a
P/N CH24201
Measuring Range: 20 - 2,000 ppm
(10 tubes, 10 tests per box)

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Detector Tubes 50/b
P/N 8101531

Scale: 50 - 500 and 400 - 8,000ppm
(10 tubes, 10 tests per box)

6727101 (pdf)
Technical Specifications,  49.5 KB
6728491 (pdf)
Technical Specifications,  47 KB
CH31701 (pdf)
Technical Specifications,  48.1 KB
8101531 (pdf)
Technical Specifications,  50.3 KB